“The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good.” {MH 143.3}
“The Saviour mingled constantly with men, not to encourage them in anything that was not in accordance with God’s will, but to uplift and ennoble them. “I sanctify Myself,” He declared, “that they also might be sanctified.” John 17:19. So the Christian is to abide among men, that the savor of divine love may be as salt to preserve the world from corruption.” {CT 323.1}
This is part of the work of evangelism here in Moldova. The It Is Written team here is reaching out and touching lives right where they live. Many people here in the capital of Chisinau live in small, Soviet era apartments where the living room, dining room and bedroom are all one room. And it seems that in every home we go into, they are setting food before us. I know, I know, missionary work is supposed to be filled with hardship, but wow! The people are so kind and gracious, ready to share, and even to send us on our way with fruit, grape juice, and baked goods.
In the meantime, we get to sit with them and hear their stories. We are able to encourage them in the way of the Lord. Many families here have members that have emigrated overseas and the church feels the loss. Additionally, many members have believed that evangelism doesn’t work anymore. It is easy to be depressed about the decline in the church, but with Jesus there is hope! By coming and doing these meetings, not only are non-Adventists hearing the message, but our own members are encouraged. They see that they too can still touch lives.
And so they are talking to their neighbors, inviting them to the meetings. Door to door surveys have been encouraged, some members talking to everyone in their building. One called the office saying, “I did the survey, and now I have 25 people who want to study the Bible! What do I do now?”
This is our work--wherever we are--to be like Jesus, to uplift and enable.